I’m No Longer Participating in NaNoWriMo.

And neither should you.

I don’t make it a habit to tell people how to live their lives. Generally speaking, I’m rather “live and let live.” So long as everyone is happy, healthy, safe, and everything is above board.

That all being said, the YWA forums on NaNoWriMo have been so very far from happy, healthy, or safe. And no, nothing is above board.

I want to start by saying that this is deeply painful for me as a participant and active contributor to NaNoWriMo for over a decade. If it weren’t for NaNo, I probably never would have found the courage to give myself a chance. Writing a book would have remained a pipe dream. It bolstered my confidence, connected me with a community, and, most importantly, helped me make my dreams become a reality.

I started NaNo when I was 19. I remember witnessing the birth of NaNo’s YWP program (Young Writers Program) in 2016 and thinking how incredible it was that kids (ages 13 – 17) would be able to connect with other writers and work alongside other, more seasoned writers to help hone their crafts.

As someone whose life was shaped and molded by creative educators, I thought this was wonderful. As someone who worked as a MAD (Music, Arts, and Drama) Camp counselor and watched how kids could flourish under the tutelage careful caretaking and cultivating creative environments, I was over the moon.

To summarize the many ways that NaNoWriMo failed its youth participants, check out this thread by X (Twitter) user, Arumi_Kai: https://twitter.com/Arumi_kai/status/1722007756058574916

I am heartbroken to know that, this safe space has been violated. I am heartbroken by NaNoWriMo’s incompetency and unwillingness to act. When concerns were first raised, they should have been investigated and action should have been taken.

When evidence was presented about sexual impropriety toward minors, the moderator in question should have been removed expeditiously. They should not have been allowed to remain on the forums with their same username and posts still online.

You can read more by checking out these resources:

(Thank you to mskingly on Reddit for gathering the NaNoWriMo forum links)

I cannot, in good faith, continue to participate in NaNoWriMo, nor advocate/advertise it on my platform. I will be working on removing all prior references to NaNoWriMo in this blog and my social media. If you see any instances where I have missed something, please, don’t hesitate to reach out.

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